Jessica Link

United States

December 26, 1989

Wichita, KS, United States


United States

Bareknuckle Boxing, MMA

I am Jessica Link, a professional bareknuckle fighter and
mixed martial artist. I also coach both the adult and kids striking programs at a local gym
and am extremely passionate about passing on knowledge about the sport. I am an NASM
certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, and I am currently at the end of finishing
my degree in Sports and Health Sciences, while simultaneously going to technical school
to be a certified phlebotomist. Once completed with both I will be applying to grad school
to get my doctorate in physical therapy (fingers crossed I get in). I use my professional
background to give back and volunteer as much as I can. Right now I meet weekly with a
local group called Rock Steady Boxing, which is a program overseen by licensed physical
therapists who use boxing as a means for treating patients with Parkinson’s Disease.
Outside of competing and school I have 4 cats and 4 dogs that keep me extremely busy!

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