Kadyn Gillooly


January 1, 1970

Algonquin Park, ON, Canada



My name is Kadyn Gillooly and I am a 13 year old motocross racer in Ontario Canada. I started racing in 2022 on a KTM 65 at my home track Burnt river off road facility in the ladies B open class. Racing with ladies of all ages and bike sizes. At 10 years old I pushed my self to go faster every time I took to a gate drop. After my first 4 races, I knew I needed a bigger bike something with more power. I took over my mom’s Husqvarna 85 small wheel and kept climbing the positions like I knew I could. I finished 8th over all for my very first ever season. In 2023 I was determined to be on the podium at the end of year and I was able to take 1st over all for the season. I also started racing AMO ( amateur motocross Ontario ) that year . This year will be my 4th year doing what I love and what I am most passionate about. As I enter into 2025 with my KTM super mini I plan to take 1st over all in Ladies B in Ontario and 5th in girls 9-16. As a 13 year old female athlete I not only want to crush the goals I set for myself but I also strive to be a role model to all the younger girls getting into the sport. Its important they have role models to look up to. To give them encouragement and let them know they can accomplish anything with a little time, determination and practice.

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